Monday, September 2, 2013

The Star Studio System

The studio system of the Hollywood before was very exclusive. Directors, actors, actresses, producers, and writers have a contract to a specific studio. If they created a contract to the studio they are not allowed to create films on the other studios. They have to follow the rules of the studio if they signed the contract.

The Star System of the Hollywood before was very strict. The Hollywood before reached it's international fame so they have to train new actors and actresses. Stars are very disciplined. They way they talk, the looks, their appearance and how they act were highly trained. If they have an issue or scandal, producers will automatically kill it. They will pay the Paparazzi just to stop the issue.

Unlike today, you will see the same directors in different studios. As far as I know the Director of Titanic made a movie in 21st century fox then his latest movie, Avatar, was under the Universal Studios. The Stars today are always in News. Their Scandal and Issues are always trending and you will see the same star in different studios and others were not highly trained in acting.

Philippine Studios and star system before was just like the same in Hollywood. If the Directors and other staffs have a contract to a studio they cannot make a film in other studios. Same as the stars.

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